Alhamdulillah it is officially announced that Prozas Security personnel in Lotte Chemical Titan (M) Sdn. Bhd. are fully vaccinated with Sinovac vaccine. The first appointment vaccine was on 10 July 2021 under PIKAS program as mentioned in the previous post, PS-LCTM PIKAS Vaccination Day
There were 135 security personnel received their second dose vaccines consist of 71 personnel in the morning session and 64 personnel in the evening session. The appointment set by KKM was is right time in conjunction with the LCTM Turnaround that has been scheduled on 1 August 2021. Here are the happy moment of our frontliners!
Special thanks to the committee for well-coordinated program and ensuring the on-site operation still running smoothly.
“Behind every great company, there is a great team”
We are truly appreciate being part of PIKAS program under the collaboration with LCTM and PPV AICC. We are so grateful for the priority given to get vaccinated and hoping we will win in this battle.